Adele taught me a cool way to use my sunglasses as a camera filter. Which was extra awesome because I don't even know what camera filter means...
We had lots of beach time.
I was very impressed. The bugs really seemed very unbuggy. The sun was not punishing. The kids all got along really well, even though my kids hadn't really met or spent much time with the other kids.
I took lots of time to myself lying on the upper deck just enjoying nature (no, I did not touch that nasty water, I don't even want to think of the things floating in it!)
Sleeping under the stars was beautiful. I don't think I have done that since Jeff and I were dating and we had a little camp out in the bed of my pickup truck.
On the way home we all stopped at a little burger place. I guess we took too long loading up and leaving, or we didn't drive fast enough, or something. But those directions back home seemed to still be a national secret of unmarked roads. But along our journey back to something that looked familiar, we saw some cool things that we want to go back and explore more. So next summer we will be taking a tour of Utah to see some cool sites.