Sunday, October 10, 2010

Girls Trip 2010

This year for the girls trip we planned a cruise. Because it was so little planning I opened it up to invite anyone who was interested. We had 16 people!! It was great. (I didn't even TAKE my camera - what the heck is going on with me?) I don't really have much to say except to tell you that I am super fun and you are all missing out if you don't vacation with me. I am thinking all inclusive resort for 2011. Who is in?? The Whole Group
The family I grew up in (except for Aunt Dorinda- I don't know why she isn't in this picture)
The family I married in to - I have no idea where I am. Probably dinner!
My grandma was so awesome on this trip. When the waiters would do their cute dances at dinner, she would get up and dance with them. I hope I can get her to come EVERY year!!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to fix the formatting on this 10 times and it won't take, so DEAL!
