Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Reverence Game That Works

I said on my facebook that I would to share what I did with my kids to help them reverently listen to conference (and how I use the same theory for Sacrament meeting). I wrote down the top twenty words you might hear at conference. Then I had my kids make tally marks when they heard those words. I set up a"store" based on point, 1 point per tally, and they got to "buy" things for their points. My kids currency is candy, so it was different levels of candy, but none were more than dollar store boxes. (They averaged 300 per session so I priced it in such a way that they could get ONE big box for watching 2 sessions of conference with a few points left over for the smaller stuff) For church, I give everyone a paper and the we all write down important words we hear in the talk. Then I compare them to mine, and they get a point for every word that matches. Then it is 30 points for a dollar store box of candy, 5 points for a mini candy bar, and 1 point for a small candy like a skittle. (They average 35 points - you would want to do it once to see how your kids do.) The first time I did it, I just gave them one sugar baby per point. This is the most conference they have ever watched, and no complaining!! And Sacrament meeting is the easiest it has ever been!


  1. You are SUCH a smart mom! I started, a number of years ago, having bowls of candy that had words stuck to them - and when they heard that word they could get one of those candies....but, frankly, as they got bigger - it just became chaos "getting the candy".....they all totally remember it - and asked if we were doing it this year, and of course I so just wasn't in the mood. hmm - but LUV your point idea, that would SO work - could even just do cash for mine at this point - thanks for the tip! (Lynn did that tally mark thing with Isaac at the temple dedication - he was so focused on it that he didn't even "participate" in the Hosanna Shout - duh! but still - kept him quiet and at least paying attention a little bit! LUV the "compare to my paper" idea - all except for how that would mean I have to pay attention! ssh, don't tell!) ;)

  2. I read your blog!! :)
    I LOVE this idea!! Why can I never think of stuff like this? I am so going to use this idea for sacrament meeting and then next conference! Thank you so much for sharing! :)
