Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So contrary to popular opinion - I am a really bad mom!! I was so lazy this Easter because we ended up not going camping (grrr SNOW!!) that I barely got around to doing anything traditional.
The Easter bunny usually comes to us on Saturday - but she was extra busy (or hadn't gone shopping, I forget which) so instead he came to our house on Sunday. However Sunday we awoke to - you guessed it, more snow - so it was a good thing we had left the door unlocked so he could come in and warm up. While he was warming up, he hid our eggs and baskets downstairs.
Now to the really bad mom part. I told my kids we would color our eggs between conference session. Then come to find out I had no coloring - but they had already forgotten by the conference break. I had already boiled the eggs so I thought I would make Deviled Eggs to go with dinner. Surprisingly enough, I was too lazy. Then - I thought - I really should let Gage color them, but other things kept distracting me on Monday (it was a sad day - but that is for another post). On Tuesday when I took Brooke to orchestra at 7:30 I decided to run by Wal-mart to see if they had any good Easter Clearance. They had these COOL egg spinners. So for $2.50 I was all in!
Then the rest of Tuesday morning - I was lazy so Gage and I still didn't get around to coloring. Wednesday was busy with appointments and such, but I am leaving town tomorrow (Thursday) at noon - so finally at 8:30 at night - right before bed I said, let's color these eggs!! So I brought out the spinner and we went for it.

Courtney is super gangster - right!

I was going to fake this post and back date it like I had done this actually when I should have, but what would be the fun in that - and you know me too well anyway!! (And don't you just love the way I cropped those pictures and made them all cutsie for you - I will be offering classes soon!)


  1. LOVE IT!!! And your post totally made me laugh. :)

  2. I love it too, it was a good laugh, but you are still a good mom! :) I can't believe how big the kiddo's are looking, I can't wait to see them in person!

  3. ok - I can SO beat you on this one....I bought LOTS of eggs....The End. :) Yup - what with the last minute trip out of town and all, not a lot of "traditional" Easter activities egg coloring, no egg hunting (but hey - they did that at the ward a week before, that counts, right???), no new Easter clothes (kind of a drag when there is no church to wear pretty new clothes to! and never fear, not like the Princess doesn't have PLENTY of new dresses!). The Easter Bunny, did, however, manage to pack the "bucket of treasures" in the van for the trip.....that makes up for the rest, right??? hope so! loved your post!
